Pomorie, the town of water, history and stories
Previously, I told you that I intended to go to Pomorie, a town some twenty kilometres away from Burgas on the Bulgarian southern coast.
Pomorie is a town dating back to antiquity. It was founded in the 5th or 6th century BC as a Greek colony (like many towns in Bulgaria). I would not do a history course and it is not what inspired me to go there ;).
According to my research, this town was a bit calmer than its neighbours with their (massively) big buildings, hotel complexes and water parks.
And well, yes, it is true that Pomorie is much better sheltered from the noise and euphoria of its neighbours. This town has its charms: a small fishing village that little by little has turned into a seaside spa resort.
Pomorié has 2 faces:
- On the one hand its history, its town center, its shops and houses, and above all, a fishing port with its fishing boats in vibrant colors.
- On the other hand the modern buildings with many apartments intended for rental.
Which determines the success of Pomorie, apart from the beach? Obviously, it is the balneotherapy (medical spa treatment)!
In fact, the town is surrounded by water: the Black Sea on one side, the Pomorie Lake on the other. It is this lake that plays an important role for the town.
The Pomorie Lake is a saline lake. Its mud has the ability to heal numerous diseases the majority of which are related to the bones (we are talking about 94 diseases). This mud is “alive” and according to what I know, it must be applied in the 24 hours after its extraction. Afterwards, its abilities substantially decrease. The mud (luga, i.e. brine) is very rich in sulphur and iron, which defines its singular character and which distinguishes it from the other medicinal muds in Europe. Besides, the sand on the beach not far from the lake is nearly black! It is disconcerting :).
Regarding balneotherapy procedures, these are proposed in the town by most hotels and one specialized medical center with different version: half or full board, just procedures etc.
Still owing to the lake, there is production of salt in the salt pans there. The collection of salt continues to be traditional. Do you know how it works? The water from the lake is placed in a mini-lake and once the sun evaporates it, the remaining salt is collected by hand.
So regarding the healing mud…
And the water! I will tell you a story.
Once upon a time, there was a well-off Turk who came to settle down in Pomorie with his family. This was in the 17th century and at that time Bulgaria formed part of the Ottoman Empire. This wealthy Turk was suffering from a very serious disease that was impossible to be cured. One night, he had a dream: in the court of his house was a spring of miraculous water. In the morning of the next day, he asked his men to dig out the earth where the water was in his dream.
And what a miracle! Under a stela of St George, his men found a spring! The Turk washed his eyes with the miraculous water and … he was cured! At this spot a chapel consecrated to St George was built, and the Turk and his family were converted into Christianity.
Isn’t this a beautiful legend? Is this just a legend, was it the medicinal mud, or the energy of the Thracians and Ancient Greece? Perhaps a bit of everything. What matters is that today, at this same spot, there is a lovely (male) monastery, St George’s monastery, which is still operating and which is a pilgrimage site for many Orthodox Christians in the region as well as for predominantly Russian-speaking tourists.
Does this tempt you to visit the town?
In any case, I recommend Pomorie to you. This is a tranquil place that can serve as a base for the exploration of the Bulgarian southern coast (Nessebar, Sozopol and the other less known corners), go to the beach, take up spa treatment, contemplate the sea and the lake and to relax :).
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